Deep CORE Strengthening: 4 Basic Moves

If you have ever been treated for any type of back pain, I’m sure you’ve heard of core strengthening. Most people have absolutely no idea what that means! It is pretty basic: the “core” of your body surrounds your pelvis. We are talking about all of the muscles that attach to the hip bones, thighs, and spine. This includes the muscles on the front, sides, and back of the body. Core muscles include:

  • Abdominals

  • Quads/psoas/hip flexors

  • Gluteal muscles

  • Lumbar paraspinals (back extensor muscles)

  • Latissimus

Other important core stabilizers include the diaphragm, pelvic floor muscles, and all of the small muscles that attach up and down the spine (multifidi). Core stability and strength is also generated from the mid back muscles including the traps, rhomboids, and other scapular muscles.


So… how can we activate all of these muscles in 4 quick moves?? Check out this video… all you need is a yoga mat and only a few minutes! BTW… generating core strength ain’t easy. Practice daily to see changes in your body, reduction in pain, and improved spinal stability.

Give it a try !! Kaye PT