Pelvic Pain

What is Pelvic Misalignment?

Pelvic misalignment happens when the pelvis becomes tilted and /or rotated in an abnormal way. The pelvis is made of two separate bones that are joined together in the front by the symphysis pubis joint and in the back by the sacrum via the SI (sacroiliac) joints. These structures move as the hips and spine move. This movement is important during pregnancy to make plenty of room for baby. If the pelvis becomes abnormally aligned, it can cause symptoms such has:

  • Constant dull lower back ache, even while laying down

  • Hip pain especially after walking

  • Pelvic floor pain

  • Muscle tension in the lower back and neck

  • Pain in the shoulders, buttock, and neck

  • Foot pain

  • Unbalanced gait (walking)

What causes the pelvis to become misaligned? Pregnancy, chronic muscle imbalances, leg length discrepancy, and certain types of trauma can all be causes. In pregnancy, oftentimes the baby is rotated in one direction which places unequal weight on the lower portion on the pelvis. This causes increased stress on the already tightened structures as the baby grows. During birth, the pelvis widens for the baby and should return to its normal resting place in the weeks following childbirth. Many times this doesn’t happen…. and mom may not have symptoms until the 2nd pregnancy:( YIKES!

How can you get your pelvis back into alignment? First, you need a full evaluation by a skilled physical therapist to determine what structures are involved. The bones of the pelvis need to be realigned and corrective exercises prescribed to maintain the correct alignment. Eventually, progressing toward strengthening the pelvic girdle to ensure proper stability and mobility.

Remember, it is impossible to diagnose your own pelvic asymmetry. If you have symptoms then get evaluated to prevent further injury and pain!

Give it a try!
